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Payment Methods
By Mark Roth on October 24, 2008 at 8:34 am
I thought this email was particularly pertinent to these times:
I have purchased learning materials and curriculum from you all in the past. Thank you for helping me to educate my son.
The economic situation doesn’t look good for our country. I am reading up on just exactly what an economic depression means. I hope America is not headed in that direction. We can all find peace by trusting in God during this time.
No matter what happens in our economy I need to make my son’s education a priority. There may come a day in the future where it will be unwise to use a credit card in an uncertain economy. Much of my on-line shopping for homeschool curriculum requires credit card use.
My question to you:
Do you have other methods of payment in place other than credit card or paypal? I would be willing to start paying by cash if it means my son’s education could continue no matter what the future of our economy.
I know your busy. Please reply when you are able……or just politely say “check our website” if I can find the information there.
God bless this committed mother!
For the record, we accept “off-line” payments in addition to online card payments. Our customers are given the option to pay with money orders and personal checks.
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