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    Delighting in God's law

    May 2010 Newsletter

    By Mark Roth on May 15, 2010 at 10:18 am

    Early yesterday morning I sent out our May 2010 newsletter. As usual, you can get it via email from our home page.


    Sharon Singers 2009 presents “Who Is Like Jehovah?” — a choral a cappella collection of 23 hymns and songs:

    Sharon Singers

    But you might be able to get a free one at the end of the month. How? By being a Like-r of our Facebook page:

    Anabaptist Bookstore on Facebook


    Five of them, to be exact; three from Christian Light Publications and two from TGS International:

    New Books at Anabaptist Bookstore


    Empanadas (Mexican Turnovers) from Heart and Hearth:

    Empanadas Recipe

    I grew up in Mexico and also served there as a missionary later. I like empanadas (em-pa-na-thas) very much.

    Spanish pronunciation tips: their e sounds like our e in bet and their a sounds quite a bit like our a in father.


    From the beginning of Anabaptist Bookstore, I’ve made it easy to order multiple items (on the same page) with a single click. That would be as opposed to clicking an “Add to Cart” or “Buy It Now” button next to each item.

    Well, recently a customer wrote:

    “Ordering is cumbersome since all items are listed in one long list; if you order something at the top of the list, you have to scroll all the way down to the bottom to order.”

    So I’ve been working on addressing the issue without giving up the ease of ordering multiple items with one click.

    To see the solution I’ve come up with…and to learn about a temporary 10% discount on Rod and Staff’s Preschool ABC Series…visit our business Facebook page and click the Discussions tab:

    Anabaptist Bookstore FB Page


    Did you know that Anabaptist Bookstore is a small home business which I launched in 1998 to help support our family and my original Web site (http://www.anabaptists.org)? Each dollar you spend at our business generates about 15 cents in profit. Thank you for each dollar you spend here!

    If you want between-newsletter-releases updates, we provide those via blog, Twitter, and Facebook. I put the links to each of those after my sign-off below.

    As you likely know, Rod and Staff Publishers has a 5% discount going on their curriculum. Though we aren’t matching that, we do offer our usual year-round reduced shipping rates. 🙂

    When you’re ready to purchase curriculum from Christian Light Education, please enter their site through ours. And a special thanks to all of you who have supported us by doing so!

    Christian Light Education

    Just in case you forgot, we have some used stuff as well as some shipping-damaged items — CLE LightUnits, Rod & Staff curriculum, storybooks, “regular” books:

    Used & Damaged Books


    “From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?”

    If I don’t walk humbly with other Christians, I cannot walk humbly with God. Can I? I mean, if I’m walking with two people, can I possibly be fully clothed in the presence of one but utterly naked in the presence of the other?

    “Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.”

    Oh, God, give me the humbleness of mind to not be that way!

    “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.”

    My rendition: “You ask but do not receive because you do not ask humbly.”

    And you’ll find the rest of this in my blog post titled “I Want to Be Humble”:

    Panting Hart


    I send this newsletter only to people who WANT it. (If you want to forward it to a friend — well, that’s up to you. It’s certainly fine with me.)

    To subscribe, simply send a blank email to


    Thank you for your help and support!

    Mark Roth




    Anabaptist Bookstore, socially




    Topics: Miscellaneous | No Comments »

    Sharon Singers 2009 CD

    By Mark Roth on May 13, 2010 at 2:25 pm

    Sharon Singers 2009: Who Is Like Jehovah?

    We finally got our batch of 10 yesterday.

    As of right now, we have 8 left.

    This CD has 23 songs and hymns with a total playing time of 69:23. To see the titles, visit our Sharon Singers page.

    Topics: New Products | No Comments »

    The Christian and the State

    By Mark Roth on May 13, 2010 at 9:42 am


    Although the responsibility of intercession is mentioned last, it is perhaps the most important. “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority” (1 Timothy 2:1,2).

    In addition to giving thanks, what should be our specific petitions when we pray for civil rulers? Consider these:

    *Pray that they may make it possible for us to “lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (v. 2). God desires this for us and ask us to pray about it.

    *Pray for the personal salvation of civil leaders. God “will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth” (v. 4). While it is not our place to judge or to say no civil rulers are true Christians, their responsibilities include retributive action forbidden by our Lord for His followers. God wants all men to be saved and live in obedience to Christ, and He has told us to pray for their salvation.

    *Pray that God will give rulers wisdom and direction. They have many difficult decisions to make.

    *Pray for those who vote, that God’s will be accomplished in the setting up of rulers. God will hold sway over the hearts and minds of men and thus over the affairs of the nation as we pray. We may say we believe in praying instead of voting, but how well have we put our belief into practice? Think of the time, energy, and money spent in campaigning. How would our time and energy in prayer compare?

    In the days of Sodom, who had more influence–Lot at the city gates, or Abraham in intercessory prayer to God? Even the angels who came to Sodom immediately preceding its destruction did not try to reform Sodom; instead, they tried to get Lot and his family out of it. Let us be intercessors, as was Abraham. And let’s snatch out souls for the Lord instead of trying to vote in good men and laws.

    Excerpted from: The Christian and the State

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