Think About This
Looking at Today
By Mark Roth on July 16, 2010 at 5:49 am
The month is half over, but at least the day is young. 🙂
Among the things I hope to get done today, these:
- Upload a new-to-us book from Eastern Mennonite Publications: Blow, Wind, Blow
- Upload another book in that category: The Holy Spirit and the Holy Life
- Upload a book that’s been revised and retitled: A Faithful Steward
- Start our July newsletter.
- Get a $3 project from my Proofreading Service. 🙂
- Tweak one of my AdWords campaigns over at Google.
- Please some customers.
- Bless God.
Now I must get beyond the telling to the doing.
May God bless us today.
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Hearing and Helping
By Mark Roth on July 14, 2010 at 6:44 pm
Today we finally received our first shipment of this new book from Rod and Staff Publishers:
It’s the second book of their Preschool GHI Series.
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Revised: Hidden Riches
By Mark Roth on July 6, 2010 at 6:24 pm
I thought this was a brand new book. Turns out it’s been around quite a while but was just revised:
Many of us do not know the names of our ancestors who braved the Atlantic to come to North America. We forget the persecution and suffering of our forefathers and how they risked their lives to reach the freedom we enjoy. Many of these brave immigrants’ descendants no longer value their heritage or resist the world’s temptations. When we take for granted the freedom they risked their lives to find, we risk becoming comfortable and lazy in our faith.
Hidden Riches puts a face on history through Christian Burkholder, a real person. The story of Christian and his family migrating to Pennsylvania from Germany will help you to comprehend the sacrifice of our forefathers who came to America in search of religious freedom and to appreciate more deeply the faith and freedom we enjoy.
For more info (and to purchase): Hidden Riches
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