![God's Will for Love in Marriage (by John Coblentz) [God's Will for Love in Marriage (by John Coblentz)]](/catalog/titles/covers/loveinmarriage.jpg)
This is a book about marital love. With frankness and Biblical honesty, the author tackles issues such as communication, marital friendship, family planning, and guidelines for marital intimacy.
In a world where love is cheap, where having more than two children raises eyebrows, and where married couples are more familiar with how to endure than how to endear, this book is sorely needed.
Whether you agree or disagree with all the ideas presented in this book, you will be challenged to examine your own views in the light of Biblical principles.
from the author's introduction
People have "fallen in love" for millenniums, and countless persons have been hurt badly in the fall. The hard truth is that marital love, for all its glamorous appeal, doesn't happen by chance. The helplessly romantic sooner or later bump their dizzy heads into reality, and wish they had spent more of their dreamy courtship in the light of the sun. Wise parents and leaders, therefore, throughout the years have needed to counsel those who are seeking marriage as well as those who wish they hadn't.
In marital love, some things are clearly spelled out in the Bible. Other issues are governed by principles. And some seem to be matters of personal conscience. This book attempts to provide Biblical guidance on sensitive issues without being snobbish or dogmatic.
76 pages -- paperback
Dimensions: 5.25" x 8.25"
ISBN: 9780878136261
Copyright: 1992
Christian Light Publications
La Voluntad de Dios para el Amor Matrimonial -- 79 pages -- paperback -- 2004 copyright
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