Doctrines of the Bible | Daniel Kauffman, editor | |
![]() From the Foreword To God be the glory for His sustaining grace while this work was in the course of preparation. In all that we endeavored to say and teach we took it as a matter of course that a plain thus saith the Lord is the final word on any subject under consideration. We have tried to cover the entire range of Scripture, though limited space compelled us to be brief on many points that we would like to have considered at greater length, and the reader will no doubt find many other points that might have been very materially improved and strengthened. While the entire message is intended as an exposition o fChristian doctrine, our aim was the reach the heart as well as the head, to appeal to the conscience as well as the understanding, to make the message practiacal as well as exegetical. How well we succeeded, or failed, we will let the reader judge. Another thing that should be mentioned is that whatever the point under discussion our aim was to quote just enough Scripture to make the point clear and convincing, rather than to attempt to quote all scriptures bearing on this point. We endeavored to make the message brief, thus covering more ground without materially weakening the arguments put forth. This is not intended as an exhaustive treatise on any subject, as such an attempt on so many subjects would have made the volume entirely too large for practical use among the masses, for whom this message is intended. The burden of this message is to hold up Jesus Christ, to magnify the Word of the Lord, and to endear the message of the Cross to the hearts of the readers. With a prayer that the blessing of the Lord may be added to the imperfect efforts put forth and that the entire body of readers may stand together in support of a full Gospel, a pure religion, and a united effort to make this Gospel known to all the world, we submit this message for your consideration. 639 pages. Hardcover. Rod and Staff Publishers. Link to this page:
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