What Shall the Redeemed Wear? | Simon Schrock | |
![]() "You're not wearing that, are you?" Such questions often lead into quarrelsome conflicts. Dad wants his son to look more decent and Mom is not happy with her daughter's wardrobe. One way to stir up strife is to register a concern about immodesty and indecency. The conflict is fueled by those who say "God doesn't care how you dress, He looks on the heart, not the outward appearance." Is that really what the Bible teaches? Is it true that God doesn't care how His redeemed children dress themselves? What does the Bible say about appearance? You will find this book refreshingly honest. The clear, well-illustrated teaching of old truths is a breath of fresh air for those who are seeking relief from the endless merry-go-round of fashions and fads that has so captivated many in the Christian world. Each chapter concludes with six or seven questions for discussion. 120 pages. Paperback. Vision Publishers. Published in 2000. Link to this page: http://www.anabaptistbooks.com/catalog/titles/240.shtml
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