![Happy Days With Pablo and Juanita (by Evelyn Hege) [Happy Days With Pablo and Juanita (by Evelyn Hege)]](/catalog/titles/covers/pabloandjuanita.jpg)
Cheerful and happy, Pablo and Juanita keep busy helping their parents during the rainy season when crops must be planted, cared for, and harvested. Always there are tortillas to make, and water to haul on the back of a burro from the stream or village well.
When the rains come, rivers rise and become dangerous, and rattlesnakes are always a threat.
Written for the primary age level, this book will introduce our children to the lifestyle of a Christian family in Mexico. Many spiritual lessons are taught in practical ways by Pablo and Juanita's loving parents.
235 pages -- hardcover
Dimensions: 5.75" x 8.5"
Copyright: 1995
Rod and Staff Publishers
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