![A Heart to Belong (by Johnny Miller) [A Heart to Belong (by Johnny Miller)]](/catalog/titles/covers/a-heart-to-belong.jpg)
Within the heart of every child is a desire to belong, a yearning to feel at home. But where can innocent children turn when their small world becomes a place of abuse, neglect, or abject poverty that threatens to crush them? Will they find someone who cares?
Christian Aid Ministries cared and in 1992 opened Nathaniel Christian Orphanage in Romania. By 1997, it had become home to over fifty hurting children who wove their way into the hearts of Tata Johnny, Mama Ruth, and their three youngest children. Together they became one big Nathaniel family.
Walk with the author as he takes you through their second and third years at the orphanage.
- Will the Bitica siblings ever find their imprisoned father, the murderer of their mother?
- Why would a child stash food in clothes or break eggs in an incubator?
- How should a thief be treated?
- Can Florica's tongue be tamed?
- How important is a sponsor's role?
290 pages -- paperback
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
ISBN: 9781885270924
Copyright: 2010
TGS International (Christian Aid Ministries)
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