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Where seekers come . . . .

  Passion and Purity Elisabeth Elliot  


[Passion and Purity] Elisabeth Elliot emphasizes the need to commit daily to Christ in all matters of the heart and to wait upon Him. She teaches this often painful yet rewarding discipline by candidly tracing her love story with Jim Elliot as evidence that she has been there.

Through letters, diary entries, and memories, she shares the temptations, difficulties, victories, and sacrifices of two young people whose commitment to Christ took priority over their love for each other. These revealing personal glimpses, combined with relevant Biblical teaching, will remind you that only by putting your human passion and desire through His fire can God purify your love.

Passion and Purity gives honest direction in such areas as:

  • loving passionately while remaining sexually pure
  • whether or not to marry, and who is the right one
  • the man's and woman's role in relationships
  • putting God's desires ahead of personal desires
  • how far is too far, physically

From the forward by Joshua Harris...

"The book you're holding tells a very moving love story. It's honest. It's practical. But even as it addresses the real questions and concerns of single men and women it always lifts our gaze upward--above our immediate preoccupations, above our longings for human companionship to the Maker who created us for Himself."

191 pages. Paperback. Fleming H. Revell.

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