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Joy for Mourning

Anne Miller

[Joy for Mourning (by Anne Miller)]
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    Anne was articulate, poised, and appeared to have her life well put together. But her life was held together by the glue of control -- control over her inner world devastated by experiences too complex for a child's heart to handle.

    The sin of sexual abuse had left wreckage, turmoil, and mourning.

    Joy for Mourning is not light reading. It's about something ugly and tragic, its repercussions in one woman's life, and her road to recovery. While other victims have been affected differently, this is Anne's story and testimony.

    While many aspects of Joy for Mourning are disturbing, it also offers inspiration and comfort to those struggling with the aftermath of sexual abuse. It will help pastors and friends of the suffering to be better encouragers. It will help those unfamiliar with sexual abuse to better understand the issues involved. It will help parents to be more vigilant in training and guarding their children.

    And may it lead every reader to a greater abhorrence of sin and a deeper gratitude to God for cleansing, healing, and victory through Jesus Christ.

    229 pages -- paperback
    Dimensions: 5.25" x 8.25"
    ISBN: 9780878136780
    Copyright: 2010
    Christian Light Publications

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