![Deceived on Purpose (by Warren Smith) [Deceived on Purpose | Warren Smith]](/catalog/titles/covers/deceivedonpurpose.jpg)
From the author's introduction:
In 1984, my wife and I came out of the New Age movement. In my 1992 book, The Light That Was Dark, I described our journey out of spiritual deception. We discovered that the spiritual teachings we had put our trust in were not from God and that the "Jesus" we had been following was not the real Jesus Christ. I explained how calculating and deceptive the spirit world had been its dealings with us. I warned Christian believers that the same false New Age "Christ" who had so deceived us was moving on the world scene and was already in the process of deceiving the Church. I warned that Christians had to be very careful about the teachings they were accepting.
It was with this New Age background and perspective that I began my reading of The Purpose-Driven Life early in the fall of 2003.
What I thought would be a pretty quick read turned out to be a lengthy process that included the writing of this book. Barely into my reading of The Purpose-Driven Life, I had immediate questions and concerns. And then, as I read along, one issue would seem to lead to another. It didn't take long to see that Rick Warren wasn't the only one who had definite purposes for the Purpose-Driven Church. It became very clear that our spiritual adversary had his purposes, too. Because of my New Age background I have written this book, Deceived on Purpose, to specifically address some of the New Age implications of these purposes.
Because I believe that Rick Warren is in the process of leading the Church astray, many people will regard this book as being negative. The issues I raise are not personal issues between Rick Warren and myself.
When all the evidence is taken in its entirety, I believe there is a compelling case for believers to reconsider their involvement in the Purpose-Driven movement. Thanks for being open enough to read my concerns and, hopefully, to prayerfully consider what I have tried to convey.
211 pages -- paperback
Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5"
ISBN: 9780976349204
Copyright: 2004
Mountain Stream Press
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